Namespace Stride.Core.Assets.Analysis
- AssetAnalysis
Analysis for AssetItem.
- AssetAnalysisParameters
Parameters for asset analysis.
- AssetBaseAnalysis
An analysis to validate that all assets in a package have a valid Asset base. In order to be valid, this analysis must be run after a PackageAnalysis
- AssetDependencies
Describes dependencies (in/out/broken) for a specific asset.
- AssetDependencyManager
A class responsible for providing asset dependencies for a PackageSession and file tracking dependency.
- AssetFileChangedEvent
An event that notifies the type of disk change for an asset.
- AssetReferenceAnalysis
This analysis provides a method for visiting asset and file references (IReference or Stride.Core.IO.UFile or Stride.Core.IO.UDirectory)
- AssetReferenceLink
Updatable reference link returned by Visit(object).
- AssetResolver
Helper to find available new asset locations and identifiers.
- BuildDependencyManager
Build dependency manager Basically is a container of BuildAssetNode
- CollectionItemIdsAnalysis
A static class that analyzes an AssetItem and fixes issues in CollectionItemIdentifiers of collections contained in this asset.
- IdentifiableObjectAnalysis
A static class that visit an object and make sure that none of the IIdentifiable it references share the same identifier. In case there are duplicate identifier, the visitor can generate new identifiers for the duplicate
- PackageAnalysis
An analysis to check the validity of a Package, convert Stride.Core.IO.UFile or Stride.Core.IO.UDirectory references to absolute/relative paths, check asset references...etc, change IReference location if location changed.
- PackageAnalysisParameters
Class PackageAnalysisParameters. This class cannot be inherited.
- PackageSessionAnalysis
A package analysis provides methods to validate the integrity of a whole package.
- AssetLink
Represent a link between Assets.
- BuildAssetLink
A structure representing a link (a dependency) between two BuildAssetNode instances (assets).
- BuildDependencyInfo
A structure representing information related to a build dependency between one source assets and a target type of asset.
- IContentLink
The interface for types representing a link between elements.
- AssetDependencySearchOptions
Options used when searching asset dependencies.
- AssetFileChangedType
Type of a change event for an asset.
- AssetInheritanceSearchOptions
Possible options used when searching asset inheritance.
- ContentLinkType
The different possible types of link between elements.
- AssetResolver.ContainsAssetWithIdDelegate
Delegate to test if an asset id is already used.