Namespace Stride.Core.Yaml
- AssetObjectSerializerBackend
Internal class used when serializing/deserializing an object.
- AssetYamlSerializer
Default Yaml serializer used to serialize assets by default.
- CollectionWithIdsSerializer
An implementation of CollectionWithIdsSerializerBase for actual collections.
- CollectionWithIdsSerializerBase
A base class to serialize collections with unique identifiers for each item.
- CollectionWithIdsSerializerBase.InstanceInfo
A structure containing the information about the instance that we need the store in the Stride.Core.Yaml.Serialization.ObjectContext.Properties dictionary.
- CollectionWithItemIds<TItem>
A container used to serialize collection whose items have identifiers.
- DictionaryWithIdsSerializer
An implementation of CollectionWithIdsSerializerBase for dictionaries.
- DictionaryWithItemIds<TKey, TValue>
A container used to serialize dictionary whose entries have identifiers.
- DynamicYaml
Allows to manipulate dynamically a YAML content.
- DynamicYamlArray
Dynamic version of Stride.Core.Yaml.Serialization.YamlSequenceNode.
- DynamicYamlEmpty
Placeholder value to remove keys from DynamicYamlMapping.
- DynamicYamlMapping
Dynamic version of Stride.Core.Yaml.Serialization.YamlMappingNode.
- DynamicYamlScalar
Dynamic version of Stride.Core.Yaml.Serialization.YamlScalarNode.
- ItemIdSerializerBase
A base class to serialize ItemId.
- KeyWithIdSerializer
A Yaml serializer for IKeyWithId.
- DeletedKeyWithId<TKey>
A generic structure that implements the IKeyWithId interface for keys that are deleted.
- KeyWithId<TKey>
A generic structure that implements the IKeyWithId interface for keys that are not deleted.
- IKeyWithId
An interface representing an association between an ItemId and the key of a dictionary.
- IUnloadable
Objects that can't be loaded as valid Yaml will be converted to a proxy object implementing this interface by ErrorRecoverySerializer.