Table of Contents

Enum EffectParameterClass


Values that identify the class of a shader variable.

public enum EffectParameterClass : byte


Color = 13

The shader variable is a vector.

ConstantBuffer = 10

A constant buffer

InterfaceClass = 6

The shader variable is a class.

InterfacePointer = 7

The shader variable is an interface.

MatrixColumns = 3

The shader variable is a column-major matrix.

MatrixRows = 2

The shader variable is a row-major matrix.

Object = 4

The shader variable is an object.

Sampler = 8

A sampler state object.

Scalar = 0

The shader variable is a scalar.

ShaderResourceView = 9

A shader resource view.

Struct = 5

The shader variable is a structure.

TextureBuffer = 11

A constant buffer

UnorderedAccessView = 12

An unordered access view

Vector = 1

The shader variable is a vector.


The class of a shader variable is not a programming class; the class identifies the variable class such as scalar, vector, object, and so on.